Did your Buddy just get Engaged?

Did your Buddy just get Engaged?

If you’re Best Friend, Brother, or oldest friend just proposed to the girl of his dreams, the type of chick you can actually stand to be around, whose become of fixture of your friend and family. Then it’s time to Man up and Bro down to make sure he has the best...
How is Ordering Strippers Like Buying a Car?

How is Ordering Strippers Like Buying a Car?

There are many goods and services that can be acquired online including one of the newest phenomenon purchasing vehicles sometimes even sight unseen. Sure you can get a stock BMW but can you get the same experience with a fully loaded supercharged V8? Buying any...
Are you Naughty or Nice?

Are you Naughty or Nice?

Book your holiday party strippers with Santa’s sexiest helpers!The Holiday season is teeming with possibilities. As the years pass, we realize that the true meaning of Christmas is being with the people that mean the most to us. While there’s many ways to prove our...
Holiday Office Parties

Holiday Office Parties

The customary office Christmas party each year is inevitable as the rising sun in the eastern sky. While some may scoff at the idea of an obligatory party finding it taxing to circumnavigate amongst their various colleagues making small talk when on a given weekday a...
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